AI Text Detector?!

No code browser automation, neural networks, and more

Happy Wednesday, and Welcome back to AI Now! We hope you enjoyed the first issue and were able to take something meaningful away from it.

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Not familiar with AxiomAI? Well, it's your lucky day. Say hello to your new time saver.

Backed by Y-Combinator, Axiom is a chrome extension that lets your browser do the tedious work for you. Streamline your workload and let browser bots take the wheel. Automatically execute website actions, fill in forms, or run any repetitive task with just a few clicks - freeing up time for more important tasks! 

The video above details exactly how to create browser automation bots all with out code! Check it out and see if it has the potential to make your mundane online activities more efficient.


YOLOv8 is the latest version of YOLO, an open source object detection system renowned for its speed, affordability and accuracy.

Known as 'iceberg AI', it has already been widely implemented in a variety of systems across the world; although many may not be aware their applications are utilizing this revolutionary technology. 

Use Cases: Segmentation, Object Detection and Classification 


OpenAI warns its new tool is not foolproof and should not be relied upon when making decisions.

When you copy a chunk of text into the box, the system will rate how likely it is that the text was generated by an AI system using a five-point scale ranging from “very unlikely” to “likely”. OpenAI cautions that the tool is imperfect and performance varies based on how similar the text being analyzed is to the types of writing OpenAI’s tool was trained on; it can produce both false positives and false negatives.

🧠 What in the world are neural networks?

Neural networks are a powerful type of artificial intelligence that uses complex algorithms to process data and generate insights. They work by combining networks of simple computing nodes in the form of an interconnected web, allowing the machines to learn from their inputs and make increasingly accurate predictions.

Neural networks can be used for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous navigation.

  • Already familiar with neural networks? Click here for further reading

🔧 AI Toolbox - save time, money, and resources

  • GitHub Copilot - Suggests code and entire functions in real-time (link)

  • Mem - An AI-powered self-organizing workspace. (link)

  • Rose - A new way to interface with data. (link)

📊 News

Instagram Co-Founders Introduce Artifact AI, "A single platform to turn complex data into clear action."

After four years away from Instagram, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are unveiling their new project - Artifact. An AI-driven personalized news feed driven by a TikTok-like recommendation algorithm. 

People interested in trying out Artifact need an invitation, but they can currently sign up on a waitlist, Systrom said in a tweet Tuesday (Full Article Here).

  • AI can detect Alzheimer's Disease 7 years earlier than doctors (link)

  • China's Baidu to launch ChatGPT-style bot in March (link)

  • Empathy's new tool uses AI to generate obituaries (link)

  • AI transcribed a historic, unknown play in Spain’s National Library archives (link)

🔑 Use Case - Using ChatGPT to act as a fullstack software developer

👩‍💻Looking to land a job in emerging tech? We keep our eye out for cool roles, and are posting them to our in-progress job board, stay tuned!


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